More than 100,000 children and young people are estimated to be living with serious health needs across the UK. Many spend months, even years in hospital because there is no support enabling them to leave. Those who are at home are constantly challenged by inadequate support. Wellchild's vision is for every child and young person living with serious health needs to have the best chance to thrive - properly supported at home with their families.
They believe every child, young person and family must have:
  • The opportunity to be cared for at home whenever and wherever possible.
  • Access to high quality, appropriate care and services whatever their health needs.
  • Involvement in all decisions regarding their care.
They work towards achieving this vision (our mission) by:
  • Providing practical and emotional support to seriously ill children, young people and their families, enabling them to leave hospital quicker and live life in their own homes.
  • Funding projects and research to ensure parents, carers and those who work in the children’s healthcare sector are better equipped to provide support to children and young people with long term, complex healthcare needs.
  • Influencing the future of health, education and social care policy to ensure it meets the needs of families of seriously ill children and young people.